Enid Creative Collective

Enid Creative Collective is a group dedicated to promoting artistic community by creating projects that make use of media ranging from classical technique paintings to the written word. This blog will follow the progress of those projects.

The written word part of Whimsy is finished and here it is!

"She’s suspended above a million tiny blades of emerald knife-grass, dancing in an atmosphere embellished with fireflies. The boys chasing her with scraped knees will never catch up. She is crystalline, floating in an iridescent soap bubble of time, held there by the memories of the grandpas and grandmas on the rockers, also frozen on the porch. They say, Slow down, but they don’t want her to run any slower. The stars reflect and refract her infinite dance, bouncing and jigging through the universe, whirling like a ghost behind the eyelids of every parent and child. This night is memorialized in symphony, percussive ice in lemonade being stirred, strings the slow movement of wooden chairs, piano a wild jumble of little sneakered footsteps, and a pedal tone of grandiosity none can quite identify. The crushed earth wafts its rough smell up to their noses; the aroma of dinner is still lingering about their faces. The scents weave a veil around them, a sensory cocoon, an indescribable odor to be recalled later. Their lips taste salty with anticipation, sweet with curiosity, burning with happiness. Years later when the girl is sitting at her kitchen table with coffee, getting ready for work, she will suddenly remember. The world now as it was then, graspable in her tiny hands. A memory can set a thousand spheres of metamorphosis swirling quietly through our lives. She lands and keeps running, playing, passing the house and disappearing into the arms of the purple evening."

Shane's final product for the Loss concept is finally ready!

As Seen by Three works completed and work in progress

Sara has finished "Loss" and Shane is almost done with his "Loss" interpretation!

ECC artist meeting, next Wednesday Jan. 27th, 7 PM at Scribner's Gallery, 124 S. Independence! Come and bring some of your work!

Bread and Water

Anyone interested in submitting writing to Bread and Water, an up and coming literary journal in the Norman/OKC are should email them at bread.water.journal@gmail.com . They hope to start accepting art/photography and other media, but for now it's just poems and short shorts. I'll keep you posted. I'll be sending them an excerpt from my novel, so be on the lookout for that.

Facebook and Artist Meetings

ECC is now on Facebook! Look us up and become a fan. Any area artist who is interested in learning more about ECC or working with us should email us at enidcreativecollective@gmail.com, we have monthly artist meetings here at Scribner's Gallery and we'd love to see you there.

Keeping You in the Loop

The next piece for As Seen By Three is going to be...(drum roll) Whimsy! Sara, Shane and I will be working together to express our personal views of the emotion whimsy. Excerpts and pictures are soon to come. Meanwhile Loss is getting closer and closer to completion, and it's shaping up to be very exciting! Keep checking here to see it all take shape.